martedì 28 ottobre 2008

Wii backup loader 0.3 out...

...go for it!! ;)

This is the release of a test version of the backup launcher. It runs stable for most games. I hope someone can make a compatibility matrix in the wiki. Please provide some good input data. Don't ask questions which are already answered. If you didn't use it before, you should check the posts for the old version.

What is included:
- cIOS Installer
- Backup Launcher 0.3 with banner

- Cinematic now working properly
- Wi-Fi Enabled
- Faster Load time
- Drive speed is still 3x. It is so fast that some testers believed it is running at 6x.
- Supports non-patched and patched Wii games (The correct term for "patched" is "decrypted")
- Not all games will work, but as of now most do.

Wad Channel version is available here

Fallout3 got a great 9.6 on IGN

But to me, Fallout 3 is all about story and interaction. If you’re into post-apocalyptic literature, film, or games, especially those taking place in the United States, then Fallout 3 was made for you. Combine the unusual amount of realism found in every corner of the game with the endless conversation permutations with just about everyone you meet, and you have yourself one of the most truly interactive experiences of the generation. Fallout 3 comes heavily recommended – it’s an experience that shouldn’t be missed. Just remember, life in the Capital Wasteland is rough. The beauty of the game is in the choices you make in order to survive.

9.5 Presentation

The atmosphere and style are everything you could ask for and more. A few bugs and camera issues keep things from perfection.

9.0 Graphics
The landscapes are wonderful. The character models and animations could be a lot better.

9.5 Sound
Excellent voice acting and a soundtrack that completely fits the game's mood. The sound effects aren't bad either.

10 Gameplay
A rare combination of excellent combat and deep role-playing.

9.5 Lasting Appeal
A more focused experience than much of what Bethesda has created in the past that begs to be played for hours and hours. This is one game you won't soon forget.

(out of 10 / not an average)

Full review here

lunedì 27 ottobre 2008

New super mario bros ds..finished!!

...and now...what will I be playing, on the subway ??

Go figure...

...the reason why i feel like i DO have to try this stupid "game"...

Dead space video review

Great f*cking scaring game..

...and nice review, except for the nerd presenting it.. ;)